There are 2 types of stroke - Hemorrhagic and Ischaemic. Hemorrhagic stroke, as the name implies is due to bleeding into the brain. It is less common (almost 15%) than Ischaemic stroke but accounts for almost 40% of stroke related death. 

Hypertension is the commonest cause of hemorrhagic stroke. Other causes are bleeding into the brain from a weak blood vessel such as an aneurysm, arterio-venous malformation etc.  

A CT scan can help diagnose hemorrhagic stroke. In some cases, the neuro-surgeon need additional investigations including MRI, MRA and CT Angiography, to look for other causes of bleeding as above. 

Immediate treatment: Admission to a hospital with ICU facilities is needed. Hypertension should be controlled immediately. In cases of major bleeding, where intra-cerebral pressure is elevated, a potentially life threatening condition, patient has to be managed in neuro-surgical ICU. Neuro surgical, interventional radiological procedures are needed depending on the cause of the bleeding.

After stabilisation:
Patient need close monitoring in hospital as there is high risk of rebleeding in the first week. 

Neuro rehabilitation:
Once the medical condition is stabilised, patients should be transferred for appropriate rehabilitation in a centre known to manage brain injured. Here, a Specialist in Neuro-rehabilitation with Physiotherapists, Occupational therapists, Psychologist and Speech therapist would manage neuro-rehabilitation for these patients. The aim would be to help patients to achieve best functional recovery. 

Major limitations for a good recovery would be behavioural issues, agitation, memory impairment, speech disorders etc which can be managed by optimal usage of medicines, physical therapy and psychological support. A team effort leads to best recovery of function and return to work and social activities.

AVA Rehabilitation center, a future center of excellence, provides comprehensive patient-centered,neuro-rehabilitation care for persons who suffered the stroke, brain, and spinal injuries.


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