The stroke recovery journey is often filled with challenges and Post-stroke pain is pain that develops as a consequence of stroke.

The physical, emotional, behavioral and communication changes caused by stroke change the lives of not only the survivor but those who care for them as well.

There are several areas where you can experience pain after a stroke. Local pain will be in the joints and central pain will be something like a burning or "pins-and-needles" sensation.

Spasticity Induced Pain

Spasticity is a condition in which certain muscles are continuously contracted. After a stroke, weakened muscles can become stiff or rigid and damage the way the nerves control your muscles.

This post-stroke muscle spasticity and tightness may produce aching pain in the spastic muscles, as well as soreness of nearby muscles that are repeatedly strained or placed in an uncomfortable position.

If it's not treated, spasticity can lead to the muscles being permanently shortened.

Central Pain

One significant pain problem is the central post-stroke pain (CPSP) which affects about 12% of those affected by stroke. Central pain is caused by damage to or dysfunction of the central nervous system.

Most stroke survivors who have central pain complain of severe and persistent pain that may include aching, burning, tingling, tenderness or other unpleasant sensations.

The most important thing to understand is that central pain is not caused by something happening to the body – it's caused by the brain mistaking other stimuli (like heat/cold) for pain.

Musculoskeletal Pain

Among complications of the stroke, musculoskeletal problems are common. It leads to difficulties such as improper gait biomechanics, development of pain, and limitation in performing activities of daily living.
Post-stroke musculoskeletal pain can be one of the more substantial setbacks when it comes to stroke recovery and rehabilitation.

Musculoskeletal pain is usually mild to moderate in severity and typically improves with standard pain medications.


Headaches are very common following a stroke. Strokes can cause swelling in the brain, irritating the membrane that covers it, which causes a headache.

Post-stroke head pain can produce aching, throbbing, heaviness, a sense of nausea, dizziness, and fatigue.

There are effective treatments available for headaches and you should not have to suffer from head pain while you recover from your stroke.

AVA Rehabilitation center, a future center of excellence, provides comprehensive patient-centered,neuro-rehabilitation care for persons who suffered the stroke, brain, and spinal injuries.


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