Aphasia and Dysphagia
Aphasia and dysphagia are language associated conditions. Aphasia is a total disruption of understanding and forming language. Specific regions of the brain control the understanding, written and spoken language. Frontal lobe and temporal lobe of the brain contains two of these key areas. The area close to the left temporal lobe in the pre-motor cortex of the left frontal lobe is the Brocha’s area. Damage to this area disrupts speech production. This is called expressive aphasia because the patients can understand speech well enough. Only verbal expression is disordered. They produce very short meaningful phrases with great difficulty. Often they know of their mistakes and are frustrated by it.There is a right sided weakness in patients with expressive aphasia because the same brain area is important for controlling movements of the right side of the body too. An area on the temporal lobe close to the parietal lobe is called Wernicke’s area. This area is responsible for unders...