Benefits of Occupational Therapy for Stroke Patients

A stroke is a brain attack that can happen to anyone at any time. Strokes often cause temporary or permanent paralysis. Balance, memory, speech, cognition, and vision may also be affected by stroke. In addition, muscle spasms and pain are common complications of a stroke. Communication and swallowing problems are common problems after a stroke. Stroke survivors may have difficulty in managing basic tasks such as bathing and dressing due to these problems. Accordingly, it may be challenging for them to continue to manage their roles as spouses, parents, or employees.

One of the most serious complications of stroke is difficulty in communication. Difficulties with communication can make it more difficult to get information and can affect social relationships, independence and self-confidence. 

Here are some of the common communication problems due to stroke:

1.Understanding language (called receptive aphasia).

2.Speaking,including speaking any words or saying the correct word (called expressive aphasia). 

3.Forming words and speech sounds due to weak muscles in your mouth (dysarthria).

4.Moving the muscles needed for speech in the correct order and sequence (dyspraxia).

5.Reading (dyslexia) or writing (dysgraphia).

Some people have a combination of these problems. The most common one is aphasia and dysarthria together. It does not affect intelligence, aphasia can make it challenging for the patient to speak and understand others, while also disrupt their abilities to read and write.

Occupational Therapy

Receiving quality occupational therapy treatment and intervention can help to recover as much of patient's speech as possible and find alternative ways of communicating. An OT will conduct an initial evaluation to determine what the patient’s needs are in terms of addressing deficits in function. Therapists are a vital resource for stroke survivors as they can offer professional attention and share an understanding of the physical and emotional challenges that come with surviving a stroke. The amount of therapy will depend on the extent of your difficulties and how well you are able to concentrate. It may be helpful if a family member can attend some therapy sessions to observe the exercises and help patient to practice them. The amount of therapy will depend on the extent of your difficulties and how well you are able to concentrate.


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