Gait and Balance Disorders

One of the most common causes of falls particularly amongst the elderly are Gait and balance disorders. It lead to injury, loss of independence ,disability and limited quality of life. They are associated with increased mortality and morbidity, as well as reduced level of function. It has proved Neurological gait and balance impairment is difficult to treat. Early identification of gait and balance disorders and appropriate intervention may prevent loss of independence and dysfunction.


The most common symptoms of gait and balance problems include:

Difficult to walk




Motion sickness

Double vision

Trouble with balance

Also people  feel


Other symptoms depends on cause or condition.


Causes of temporary gait or balance complications include:





Longer-term difficulties often result from muscular neurological issue.

Problems with gait, balance, and coordination are often caused by specific conditions, including:

Joint pain or conditions, such as arthritis

Multiple sclerosis (MS)

Meniere's disease

Brain hemorrhage

Brain tumor

Parkinson’s disease

Arnold-Chiari malformation

spinal cord compression or infarction

Guillain Barre

Peripheral neuropathy


Cerebral palsy


Muscular dystrophy


Chronic alcohol abuse

Vitamin B12 deficiency





Certain medications, including antihypertensive drugs.

Other causes include limited range of fatigue and motion. Muscle weakness can occur in one or both legs making walking difficult. Foot and leg numbness can make it difficult to know where your feet are moving or whether they are touching the floor.

Treating gait and balance problems

For gait and balance issues treatment depends on the cause. Treatments may include medications and physical therapy. The patient also require rehabilitation to learn to move muscles, to compensate for a lack of balance, and learn how to prevent falls. For vertigo-caused balance issues, patient may learn how to position head to regain balance.

AVA Rehabilitationcentre, a future centre of excellence, provides comprehensive patient centred, neuro-rehabilitation care for persons who suffered stroke, brain and spinal injuries.


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