Neurogenic bladder

The normal task of the urinary bladder is to discharge and store urine in a controlled and coordinated manner.This activity is regulated by the central and peripheral nervous systems. Neurogenic bladder is a condition in which any damage with the nervous system affect the bladder and urination. People suffered with neurogenic bladder loss control of their bladder which prevents the bladder from emptying properly.


Neurogenic bladder symptoms range from detrusor underactivity to overactivity depending on the damage with the nervous system. The urinary sphincter also may be affected, resulting in sphincter underactivity or overactivity and loss of sphincter coordination with bladder function.

Urinating in small amounts, but frequently (eight times or more per day).

Problems urinating and fully emptying the bladder.

Urgency to urinate.

Loss of bladder control.

Symptoms of an underactive bladder include:

Bladder filling beyond normal capacity and leaking.

Inability to feel when bladder is full.

Urinary retention - which can increase the risk of urinary tract infection.


Damage of the central nervous system commonly cause neurogenic bladder. These can include:

Alzheimer disease    
Birth defects of the spinal cord like  spina bifida

Spinal cord or brain tumors


Cerebral palsy

Multiple sclerosis (MS)


Spinal cord injury

Learning disabilities such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Parkinson disease

Health conditions that can result in neurogenic bladder include:

Nerve damage (neuropathy)

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Nerve damage from a herniated disk or spinal canal stenosis

Nerve damage due to pelvic surgery

Nerve damage from syphilis

Nerve damage due to long-term diabetes


 Depends upon the correct diagnosis by a careful medical and voiding history, with lot of clinical examinations like urodynamics and  selective radiographic imaging studies, results the proper therapy for neurogenic bladder and a successful treatment.

AVA Rehabilitation Center is the only center in the state that provides coordinated wholistic care incorporating Modern Medicine with Ayurvedic Medicine.


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