Principles of neurological rehabilitation

Neurology has an undeserved reputation for being a specialty where diagnosis requires great intellectual effort, although from which little therapeutic intervention flows. Rehabilitation is mainly the science which restores something that is damaged from its former condition. It is of different types, such as Occupational rehabilitation, Drug Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy, Physical medicine and Rehabilitation, Psychiatric rehabilitation, neuropsychology and many more. Rehabilitation is mostly done for the people suffered with different neural disorders, which help them to move on with their life normally. Neurological rehabilitation can offer all patients great help. It can be defined as a process that aims to optimize a person’s participation in society and sense of well-being. This definition highlights several important features: rehabilitation is not a particular type of intervention; the focus is on the patient as a person; the goals relate to social functioning, as well as health or well-being; it is not a process restricted to patients who may recover, partially or completely, but applies to all patients left with long-term problems. The contrast to traditional neurology is in the broader scope, extending well away from the underlying pathology but always being fully informed by the paramount importance of the primary diagnosis.

Neurological rehabilitation has a sound theoretical and conceptual basis derived from the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, the WHO ICF (Wade and Halligan 2004) and from a general problem-solving approach (Wade 2005). There is strong evidence supporting its effectiveness as a process and reasonable evidence in support of some specific treatments. The approach of neurological rehabilitation extends the cerebral challenge of neurology, in most clinical situations the physician and the wider rehabilitation team has to make practical decisions based on incomplete information concerning many important factors.

          Disablement includes the relationship between disease, disability, handicap and impairment. Functional disabilities are aimed in neurorehabilitation.It encompasses physical, medical, social, educational, and vocational interventions provided in institutional or community settings. Ongoing and thorough patient assessment is crucial in every part of the neurorehabilitation process. Rehabilitation goals and the management plan constantly evaluate and modified when necessary to maximize patient potential.
          Patients having disabilities due to a chronic, acute, or progressive neurologic condition may benefit from neurorehabilitation.


Rehabilitation is a dynamic and active process through which a disabled person is helped to obtain knowledge and skills in order to maximize their physical, social, functioning and psychological. This process can be conveniently broken down into three key areas:
•Approaches designed to acquire new skills and strategies, which will maximize activity.
•Approaches that reduce disability.
•Approaches that help to change the environment, both physical and social, so that a given disability carries with it minimal consequent handicap.

Neurological rehabilitation is not complicated. It is the practical and common sense application of basic principles applied within the structure of a detailed knowledge and understanding of the natural history of a given condition and associated symptoms.

AVA Neuro Rehabilitation Center offers comprehensive patient-centered neuro-rehabilitation care for persons who suffered stroke, brain and spinal injuries.

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